Submitted by: Erick Spires
A most common mistake committed by those who start weightlifting is overwork. There is that inner impulse that tells you be like that muscle man next to you in the quickest way possible. So you lift more, strain your muscles more and you overwork yourself. The consequence? Torn muscles and tendons and diminished self esteem. Thus, it is important to follow safety in weightlifting to avoid such things from happening.
The concept of weight lifting is simply to increase muscle activities and speed up metabolism. This way, fat burning activity in the body is increased and lean muscles are developed. It is also very important to rest the muscles and give them time to repair themselves after an intense weightlifting activity. Doing your intensive routines twenty four/seven is not only highly dangerous, it also defeats the purpose of muscle building. Overworking your muscles does not make them bulkier but thinner.
Whenever you are not sure of what particular weight to lift or how many routines should be done in one sitting, safety in weightlifting protocol dictates that you consult a trained professional. Hire a coach that can supervise you as you do your routine. He will also teach you how to properly and safely do your exercises. If you cannot afford that, at least have a buddy or a spotter who can scrutinize your form and step in should you get caught in a bind and not be able to lift a heavier weight than you’re used to. Partner with someone in the gym who can spot for you in return for you doing the same favor for him.
As you lift weights, keep on breathing. Many lifters hold their breaths as they lift weights. This is dangerous since holding your breath too long could impair the delivery of oxygen to the brain and cause you to faint. Imagine what would happen should you faint while in the middle your lift. Countless injuries would result. So maintain a regular breathing pattern as you lift the weight.
Don’t forget to warm up before heading to the weights section of the gym. This is an important procedure to follow for safety in weightlifting. Warm up your muscles by running for a good five to ten minutes in the treadmill and then doing stretches to prepare your muscles for lifting the weights. Stretch your quads and glutes, your arms and back. After your strength training session, cool down by walking and stretching some more. Finally, prevent slippage of weights caused by sweaty palms by wearing weightlifting gloves. There are rubberized gloves that give secure grip to prevent yourself from sustaining an injury due to weights inadvertently slipping from your palms.
Following these safety measures will ensure that you continue to enjoy the benefits offered by strength training through the use of weights. Give your muscles a good warm up before you start your weight-lifting regimen, have someone spot you and give your muscles adequate time to repair– all these will also let you avoid the pains sustained by those who don’t follow these safety tips as they lift weights.
About the Author: Happily married father of three, fitness nut, and former professional bodybuilder.Want to learn about the best way to build muscle safely? Check out our complete
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