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By Frank Yaconis
For hundreds of years, people have been searching for the fountain of youth. Millions of dollars has been thrown away on potions and lotions and pills that claim to stop or hinder the aging process.
We don’t mind throwing away all this money in search of the elusive key to longevity. However, we have seldom come close to finding help.
As a society, we are willing to try almost anything to arrest premature aging. Thousands of businesses are devoted to doing just that. Researchers work long hours in labs trying to concoct the magic formula that will render us ageless and youthful looking into our 70s.
Now, it appears that a new wonder juice, that is believed to cure everything from a hangover to diabetes, can also arrest premature aging. It is Nopalea juice, made from the Prickly Pear Cactus.
The cactus has been touted as a natural remedy for inflammation. Inflammation is believed to be linked to wrinkles and premature aging. A cover article in Time magazine around seven years ago shocked the world with a new revelation about inflammation. According to Time, inflammation is how the body fights off invaders on the immunological front. It works to kill microbes and bacteria that could possibly lead to a deadly infection. Inflammation only becomes a problem when it continues past the time when it is needed. If the response continues after the infection is over, this is problematic.
Now, researchers are looking at how the prickly pear cactus fights inflammation. They are trying to look at how it can prevent or lessen the symptoms of a variety f other diseases and illnesses. Because of its connection and ability to reduce inflammation in the body, scientists are looking to see its affect on some of the serious conditions caused by inflammation such as arthritis, diabetes, allergies, asthma, and even cancer. In addition, it might help treat fibromyalgia. Some people who suffer from fibromyalgia end up suffering worse side effects from prescription anti-inflammatory drugs. This is one reason that alternative medicine has become a standard part of treatment for this disease.
For hundreds of years, the prickly pear cactus has been born and bred in the Sonoran desert. To make Nopalea Juice, you must squeeze out the juice from the pulp of the Prickly Pear Cactus. This cactus is also known as the Nopal Cactus and is a native of Mexico. The pads of the plant are also eaten as a vegetable that tastes like asparagus and green beans. Aztecs even ate the plant.
The cactus blooms into red, purple or yellow-blossomed flowers. The plant is considered a natural antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties. It is part of only a few plants that contain a pigment called betalains. This pigment helps cleanse the body, which also leads to reduce blood sugar and cholesterol in the body.
Scientists are hopeful that the cactus can help eliminate or reduce the incidence of serious conditions caused by inflammation such as arthritis, diabetes, allergies, asthma and even Alzheimer’s.
About the Author: Frank Yocanis has been researching and writing about the health benefits of
What is Nopalea
for the past decade. He has even traveled to the Sonoran desert half a dozen times to study
Nopalea Drink
in the plant’s homeland. He is excited to share how this antioxidant-rich drink can change your life.
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