Designing An Effective Email Marketing Campaign

Submitted by: Rebecca Habel

It’s one thing to send email marketing letters, but here’s how to get them opened and read!

Creating an effective email marketing campaign is not about blatantly pushing your products.

You probably get lots of product emails every day And, if you’re like me, just a few of the most compelling emails get seen. So many emails hold very little interest or value to the reader, that a lot of emails feel like spam, even if you signed up for it.

In this article you’ll discover how your email marketing campaign can go to your subscribers and get read by almost everyone.

Email Marketing Campaign Tip #1


Offer exceptional content. If you offer something of value with your email marketing campaign, your your email will be opened. The truth is, if you offer a quiz, a short article, facts, tips, hints or even a free download offer, your email is likely to be well received .

Once your reader is inside your email}, you can use subtle product references inside your email.

Email Marketing Campaign Tip #2

To keep your advertising subtle, keep your language in a conversational style. Unbelievable claims, overuse of exclamation marks and outrageous promises are for obvious sales attempts. Your target market will not {keep opening|continue to open|stay subscribed for| your emails and miss out on anything of real value you add for them within a very short time.

Email Marketing Campaign Tip #3

If you can separate your subscriber list into specific interest groups, then do so. This way, you can send particular email marketing campaigns to the most targeted, interested list. If you’re mailing information to people who have no interest in your services or products, they’re not going to read your emails. If they share special interest, the email seems more directed to them. Product links and information can be inserted without losing your readers.

Email Marketing Campaign Tip #4

Make sure you write in the to an individual and in the first person. If you use words such as “others” instead of “you” and “we, us, our company” instead of “I”, your reader is likely to unsubscribe. When offering your products , sometimes it’s better to offer it from a third party. That way, it’s not coming across as pushy salesmanship. Remember, keep your email marketing campaigns unobtrusive.

Email Marketing Campaign Tip #5

Keep references to your own website to a minimum. Mention it at the bottom of your email. It can be better to add links to sites within the copy, using relevant keywords. Then, it’s clear that the link is to do with the subject. Make sure that any links you do use, stay relevant to your readers. The links must only be included to provided to give more opportunity for your readers to learn about the subject.

Email Marketing Campaign Tip #6

Follow the tips in this article and you’ll be well on your way to starting off your subtle email marketing campaigns.

About the Author: The next step is to get your copy of Easy Ezine Profits =>

and learn more techniques to successful and subtle email marketing campaigns.Rebecca Habel and has been online since 1988. Get hundreds more articles like this, to increase your online income at


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