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Why Would I Want To Sell My House?
Melissa Gifford
People will come and go as you live in a neighborhood longer and longer. You will see new faces, and sadly some old faces will leave, but why do these people move? Most homeowners sell a house every 5-7 years and there is typically some reason that they move.
One of the most common reasons people move or sell their home is that the current one they live in is either too small or they expect to need more room soon. It could be that they moved into a smaller home because that\\’s what they could afford at the time or it could be that they plan on raising a family soon. Sometimes as a person grows in their career they wish to upgrade to a larger house to reflect their change in status.
Job changes also play a major factor in selling homes. A person may lose a job and can no longer afford to stay in their current home, needing to opt for a more affordable option. On the other hand it could also be that a person is being transferred because of their job and they need to relocate to another area. One of the biggest job changes that affects home ownership is retirement, often when a person retires they\\’ll want to move to either a more manageable home or to a retirement community, filled with other retirees of their status.
Another big part of home ownership is the neighborhood itself. Maybe when you moved into the neighborhood it was beautiful but since you moved in it has gone downhill or maybe they have built some unattractive thing in the neighborhood that is making you change your view. Maybe it was a community that was known for its school system but now your kids are all gone and now it just reminds you about your empty nest.
Relations can also have a big impact on home ownership. A newly married couple will often want to move to their first house to cement their bond of matrimony. But maybe five years down the line they get a divorce, and then one or both of them are forced to move out. The parents and in-laws can also be the reasons because you want to move closer to them. Or, in some cases, it could be the opposite and you are trying to get away from your family.
Sometimes it\\’s the home itself that sparks the desire to move. It may be that the owner would rather buy a new house instead of put in the effort to remodel or make major repairs. Or often there might be a purchase mistake they wish to rectify, such as they thought they didn\\’t need a garage, but cold rainy days have made them reconsider. Maybe the home buyers!! wish to have a fresh start in a new home.
Major life changes will affect the houses that a person can live in. If a person was in an accident and can no longer go upstairs, or if the home owner is aging or facing back or knee problems, finding a new house to better accommodate health conditions is a common solution. Sometimes the lifestyle change need not be a physical one, maybe it\\’s just giving up a hobby that required specialized rooms. If a person\\’s dreams of being a country music star have been dashed, they no longer need a soundproof studio room in their basement.
Money or as an investment is another reason people sell their homes. Maybe they are trying to get cash from their house or they are going to make some major renovations. There are a lot of people who buy houses and while they are repairing them they live in them as well and then sell them when they are done with all of the repairs.
The reasons that a person sells a home are numerous and might be any combination of these listed factors, but hopefully understanding these potential reasons will let you better understand the motivations behind people selling and moving when they do.
If you want to
skip the hassle of an agent
and learn how to sell a house by owner, then you need to be prepared to take control. It\\’s not easy to do. Check out our blog to learn more on selling a house!
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