Whether you had any warning or not, having your boyfriend dump you hurts. Your family and friends might try to ease your pain by telling you to let him go and find someone better. That’s easy for them to say because they are not in love with him. But you are still in love with your ex boyfriend and you want to find a way to make him regret the breakup and begin chasing you again.
Making your ex boyfriend regret the breakup, might not be as hard as you think. You ex boyfriend is still in love with you. He may not show it and even be trying to hide his love for you from himself. To get your ex back, you have to make him realize he still loves you and misses you. By doing that, you will make him see what a big mistake he has made and regret the breakup.
You might have already tried several tactics to get him back and all of them failed. But, there is one thing most women never think of using. Yet it is the best tactic to make your ex boyfriend wake up and regret dumping you. It is the same tactic that makes you so desperate to get your ex back. The tactic that will make your ex boyfriend begin chasing you again, is rejection.
Just look at your own situation. The more your ex boyfriend rejects your efforts to get him back, the harder you chase him. Why won’t the same tactic work on your ex boyfriend? The answer to that is, it will not only work, but it will have a stronger effect on him than it does on you. The reason rejection will work so well to bring your ex boyfriend back is simple. Men have a huge pride and even bigger ego.
Your next question is probably, how do I make him feel rejected when he dumped me? You have to dump him. If that sounds silly, you need to learn about male psychology. Even though he dumped you, your ex boyfriend considers you his girlfriend and expects you to try to get him back. The crazy thing about it is, as long as you show interest in him you won’t get him back.
To make your ex boyfriend regret dumping you and start chasing you again can be as easy as walking away and acting as if you are over him and you are moving on. Men cannot stand to be ignored by their ex girlfriend, that too is a matter of male psychology. All you have to do to start pushing his emotional hot buttons is to show him you don’t need him in your life.
The best way to make your ex boyfriend regret the breakup and begin chasing you again, is to do the opposite of what he expects you to do. Just look at the way he is treating you and treat him the same way. You will soon begin to push his hot buttons and your ex will see that he needs you in his life. That is when he will start missing you and face the fact that you are the only woman for him.
Article Source: sooperarticles.com/relationship-articles/breakups-separation-articles/make-your-ex-boyfriend-regret-dumping-you-begin-chasing-you-again-602353.html
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If this is the man for you, don’t give up. Click Here to learn more about using male psychology to get your ex back.
Learn how to push his emotional hot buttons and discover the hidden secrets that lie within his psyche that can have him chasing after you begging for your love and forgiveness at this Helpful Site Author: Hal Archer