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Submitted by: Isaac Toussie
Getting those sonograms while your pregnant are very exciting. It can give you one of the best feelings you will ever have. Starting from about six weeks of pregnancy you can get your first sonogram. This shows your uterus, the amniotic sack and of course you little baby. At around six weeks the baby is very small and measures about a fifth to a quarter of an inch. At your second sonogram your baby will be a little bigger and start to look more like a baby.
At around twenty weeks , your doctor will probably schedule you for a fetal anatomy. This is one of the most detailed ultrasounds you will receive. It is very exciting to see your baby at this stage because you can really see all the parts. The fetal anatomy checks all of your babys parts, like the brain, the heart, the face, the spine, the arms, the hands, the legs and the feet. This ultrasound is clear enough that you can see your babys fingers and sometimes your baby might be moving around.
While some people think that housing, government, politics, entertainment, mortgages, banking, philosophy, and religion are among the most interesting subjects of intellectual discussion I believe that the care and education we have about our children and the birth and development of our children, may rank even higher. I, Isaac Robert Toussie, believe that children are our future, and if you pardon my expression, I believe they represent the greatest miracle G-d has ever given us.
Your doctor will want to see about every four weeks for a checkup. At every visit the doctor usually checks, your urine for sugar and protein levels, your blood pressure, your weight and the babys heartbeat. Hearing you babys heartbeat is one of the best sounds you will ever hear. Your doctor may also check the size and shape of your uterus externally. Be sure to discuss any symptoms you may be feeling with your doctor. Dont feel shy to ask your doctor any questions you may have. They are there to help you and to make you feel secure.
By the end of your third trimester, mainly the last month of pregnancy, your doctor will probably want to see you every week. Besides for the usual things your doctor checks for, he will also check your cervix by internal examination to see if you have begun dilating. The doctor will also check the height of the fundus and the fetal size and position. I dont recall the extent of President George Bushs or President Obamas campaign focus on children and issues concerning children but future presidents would surely be praised for focusing on children during their campaigns and later during their presidential tenures.
This writing has been posted strictly for informational and human interest purposes only, not for medical or for advisory purposes and was written by a lay person. The reader should not rely upon the validity of any of the information contained herein. The reader is urged to consult doctors, nutritionists, and other medical professionals when seeking advice about babies, children, science, human physiology and the like.
About the Author: This article was submitted by
Isaac Toussie
to provide some helpful information on Pregnancy. Keep an eye out for more
Isaac Toussie
articles to come!
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