By Liam Murphy
Now before anyone gets any misconceptions about this article, light weight training here refers to natural resistance training or adding impact training to various cardio vascular and aerobic exercises. There is no true definition for the term ‘light weight’ in the realm of fitness, and the weights for you to use should be directly proportional to your body weight, and also dependant on what you wish to achieve. Light weight training is not for people who wish to bulk up and build muscle mass like a bodybuilder. It is for the man or woman who’s looking to stay toned, burn fat, build lean muscle and to basically stay in shape. Light weight training is also great for people who wish to work on improving their blood circulation and enhancing their cardiovascular capabilities.
Now, the most important thing anyone needs to know is how to effectively use light weight training in the time that they have, and people would be surprised to know that the internet has many depositories of information that can help anyone get better gains and maximise their workout gains.
Online videos are free and there is a factor of replay-ability in the mix. With more than a thousand fitness topics catered to online, light weight training and low impact aerobics workout and how to do them at home. While on one side of the fence are those who advocate heavy reps for muscle building, we have to cater to women and men who want to define another look for themselves. The home can be a gym as well and an online video can be the perfect instructor. Look out for videos that have tagged on them low impact cardio workouts using resistance, because this is what you are looking for.
The equipment that you need is pretty minimal. If you are not a gym user and prefer to workout in the comfort of your home, then all you need is some resistance bands, some light weight dumbbells and some proper loose attire. More than likely you will be shown videos of the new age type of workouts, combining martial arts, dance, aerobics and resistance training to give an entire package of lean muscle building, calorie-destroying, body-chiseling workout. I highly recommend these videos, especially those which are credible and can be trusted because there is so much innovation all over the world and they are on the cutting edge of physical training.
They will point out common mistakes and ease you into a customised journey depending on your level of experience. Find out why your progress has halted and find out how to jump start a lagging body part or why the fat around your stomach hasn’t budged since Christmas last year. Find out the right time of when you should be having your workouts and how to effectively use light weight training techniques as a complement to an aerobic approach. Online training videos are the salvation to the busy and those who cannot afford expensive gym memberships. Light weight training can build a chiseled physique – you just have to know how.
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! Liam Murphy is a celebrated authority on Fitness Toning, providing muscle and fitness advice at
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