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Submitted by: Jonathan Mancini
Ice hockey is a Canadian sport in tradition and leadership which began in the early 19th century, and is now played seriously in 20 countries. Some of those countries include: Canada, USA, Russia, Sweden, Finland, Slovakia, and many other nations. Today, it is an Olympic sport and the most popular team sport played on ice. Traditionally, it’s most popular found in areas that are cold for natural, reliable seasonal ice cover, though with the increase of indoor artificial ice rinks, it has become a year-round pastime at the amateur level in major metropolitan areas such as cities that host an NHL or other professional-league team.
It is played on a rectangular rink that consists of curved corners whose length may vary from approximately 184 to 200 ft, and its width from approximately 85 to 98 ft, plenty of room to have some fun. It consists of three periods of equal length. Typically, each period runs for 20 minutes at most levels, but often 12 or 15 minutes in youth classifications. In soccer, a “soccer ball” is used. In basketball, a “basketball” is used. In the case of hockey, it is a puck that is used, which is made of vulcanized rubber in round shape. When all is said and done, and the facts have been looked at, it is clear that ice hockey is superior to field hockey.
The main difference between men’s and women’s ice hockey is that for women, body checking is not allowed. Even today, hockey is one of the fastest growing sports in the world for women, with the number of participants increasing more than a whopping 400 percent in the last decade.
A Few known Facts About Hockey Players
In today’s hockey game, about roughly thirty percent of the games players are not North American. Under IIHF rules, each team may carry a maximum of 20 players and two goaltenders on their roster. During normal play, the hockey rink consists of six players per side on the ice at any given time. The five players other than the goaltender are typically divided into three forwards and two defence man.
Hockey players control the puck using a long stick with a blade that is commonly curved at one end, also known as a “hockey stick.” These “hockey sticks” are used to pass, stick handle and shoot the puck, and to propel their sledges. Players are also well padded with hockey equipment. These mainly consist of: knee, hip, shin, shoulder and elbow pads, thick gauntlet type gloves, long stockings that fit over the knee pads, padded shorts that lace up at the front, and sweaters in team colours over everything.
In all, there are many articles, and information in general, that you can find on the Internet about the sport of ice hockey. Hopefully, the information you read here, will help spark some interest in this great game we call “Hockey.”It is a game that consists of relatively simple rules, yet at the same time is every bit as fun to play today as it was when it was first released nearly a century ago.
It’s a fast paced, exciting, family friendly spectator sport with fans that range from ages 5 all the way to 95. Let’s face it, once that puck drops, it instantly becomes a blast to play. In reverse, it also becomes a very enjoyable game to watch. The game’s been around for a very long time, and quite frankly, it’s going to be here for a very long time. If your one that really enjoys sports in general, but have yet to try a game of ice hockey, what are you waiting for? Put on those skates, and hit the ice! I promise, you won’t regret it. Good luck!
About the Author: Jonathan Mancini is a “veteran” in the hockey industry with more than 15 years experience. To help with his hockey training, he uses an off-ice system that helps develop his passing, hockey shooting and stick handling skills. Learn more by visiting:
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