Submitted by: Assel Solutions
While internet is most open market for business development, it also make possible to expand your business out of the boundaries and IT industries are at top to grow business globally all over the world. In today s scenario, internet becomes most preferred way for communication and every desktop application starts to go live over web, either it is B2B application of business management or B2C application like online shopping cart. Hence generating more business required most expertise human resources for delivering best of your business. Despite the fact there has been a convincing rise in the society of software developers and programmers with the fact that only a portion of them acquire the proficiency which is the most required thing to execute software projects with excellence.
Unlike traditional way, when people are novice about internet and software development, they like to get delivered complete software package in one shot. Now a days, customers want to participate in every phase planning, tracking, enhancement of software development and they like to know how their project is going to be developed so if something is going on wrong track, they can interrupt the process until to get right track. But hiring few software professionals is not enough for software development because for success of every project, good project management is compulsory which something different job than developers and that s why most of the big software projects didn t get completed successfully by individual developers or freelancers. But in traditional way, you don t have much to participate in software development process until your software is completely developed so here we need to think what other option we have to get your software developed in front of your eyes?
Virtual Team Resources is not a new word for IT projects and it s sometime know as Staff-Augmentation, Virtual IT Staffing or dedicated Developers Team. You can create your own team of well-experienced IT experts and can hire them either full-time or part-time on hourly basis as per your requirement. Most of the companies like Assel Solutions etc also providing full access of their ImthePM-Project Management System so you don t looks like an audience, while others are playing for you. Such companies not just help a customer in getting work done by some efficient and capable IT experts but also assist it with the services of a Project Management who can help you to get your projects done in your way. Customers can play key role in each phase of project development, from project planning to deployment and make it possible to track their resources live and see daily progress details anytime from anywhere over web. They also provide Project Management Experts for your projects so you get solution up to industry-standard. Virtual Team Resources comes up with following advantages:
Cost-Effective Development: To get you software developed successfully and having total control over software development process, you don t need to hire software professional on payroll and setup software development infrastructure at your place because that s required huge amount of money and experience to hire best IT resources. Virtual Team Resources came up as most cost-effective solution for IT Projects where you can reduce overall project development cost up to 70%. Currency-Rate difference plays a big role here, for example In US a web developer salary is $4k-5k USD per month and your can hire web developer in India with just $1500 USD. Let s not forget currency price difference between India and US. Your project cost can be reduced to 70% that means fewer burdens on your wallet. You can find following benefits when hiring Virtual Team Resources which can reduce Software Development cost:
No infrastructure setup cost
No Payroll Commitments
Minimize administration staff cost
No Maintenance Cost
No Setup fee or other supplementary costs
Virtual Resources doesn t mean Virtual Quality: Don t you think virtual quality by virtual resources in any manner or expect low quality solutions. You can hire highly experienced developers to Project Leaders to get industry-standard quality. Few companies provide everything tested by their own developer without extra cost, although you can also hire software tester or QA Team Members to make your resources forced to work on quality standards. You are free to hire dedicated developers in whatever technology you want to get your project done. Like if you want resources for .Net Application Development, you just need to hire ASP.Net developer. Later for another PHP Application Project, you can hire PHP-LAMP developer. If you need designer for just a logo design, you don t need to look for full-time web designer, but hire web designer on hourly basis. So most beneficial part along with following is you don t need to continue with resources which are not usable for you at all.
Industry-Standard quality
Access to large, highly skilled team force
Choose experts according to task
Remote supervising, monitoring
Time logs to authenticate staff-attendances
Allow you to focus on your core business: Recruiting experts for each task is big issue for each industry. By having Virtual Team Resources, you don t need to take all the HR hassles. In fact, if you are looking for to open your own software development company or already a well-established IT Services provider, Virtual Team Resources allow you get your project developed without making big investments and allow you to focus on getting business leads to expand your business. What you need to do is just become a partner of Software Development Company who providing Virtual Team Resources Service. Other than IT industries, you can also hire resources for your own project to get successful software project development. Following are few more key benefits of Virtual Team Resources.
Your presence in the office not needed
Quick and efficient start up of new project
Most appropriate human resources
Great support to your existing team
No need of traveling/interviewing/meeting to appoint staffs
What you can hire virtually: Most of the companies are providing resources from requirement analysis to final product evaluation and allow customer to select resources for full life cycle or for partial steps. While hiring developers, you just need to select appropriate technology for your project and than you can select following resources:
Hire ASP.Net Developer for ASP.Net Projects
Hire PHP Developer for PHP Projects
Hire Web Designer for Web Development
Hire Software Tester for build and run Test Cases
Hire SEO Expert for improving web site’s ranking
About the Author: Assel Solutions is a leading global IT solution provider in Business Application Development, Web Designing & Multimedia, Custom Internet Solutions / e- Commerce, Product Development & Support, Technical and Data Helpdesk, Consulting and Support Services.Please Visit
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