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Submitted by: Shane Mark
Nature has its own remedial power. When the daily wear and tear wears of our natural being it s the home remedies that helps us restoring all that nature has given us in the first place. When you think of home remedies you can very well start from kitchen. They are good weapons to deal with common ailments and they come with lot of purity and without side effects. The age old techniques of grandmothers are back in fad. To explore the potential of home remedies you just need to a little informed and aware.
Home remedies help us utilize chemicals naturally present in the herbs, vegetables, spices that is naturally equipped to fight foreign elements in the body that causes complications. It is definitely a better when compared to the munching down the over the counter drugs which have strong chemicals in the form of antibiotics.
Home remedies and natural treats were the only methods obtainable in the ancient time to treat ailments and sickness. Its uses begin to gradually refuse during the last century due to propagation of chemical drugs. These ingredients can be originate in the nutrient restricted in fruits and vegetables or in complex founds in herbs. Mainly of the home made preparations are still as helpful and effective as they were in the past to treat sure ailments.
Home remedies existed long before actual medicines came into use. And now they are passed from one generation to the other. The herbal medicines are also referred to as home medicine which started since the age of ancient Egyptians. The remedies which we get at home had once proved helpful to cure sickness and help in pregnancy when a woman conceived a baby.
The arena where the home remedies work the most is beauty and skin care. All women desires for beautiful glowing skin. Why would you like to run for chemicals which provides with little or nor result but also becomes very expensive to continue. With a little bit of honey, tomato pulp and little drops of lemon juice you can work wonders for your skin. It doesn t only rejuvenate your skin but they act like natural bleach.
If you have a terrible skin problem like eczema which mars your skins beauty and causes irritation you can always restore to home remedies. Add turmeric of about 2-3 teaspoon to water and boil it in low flame. After heating it allow it to cool down for a while. Apply this solution over areas affected by the skin irritation and with the help of a thick band aid seal the paste. Easily available things in the kitchen like camphor sandalwood paste, strawberry paste can prove to be equally beneficial. Fruits like carrot orange, grapes and spinach may prove highly beneficial.
Now natural extracts are also found on the cover to popular creme, face wash and mask. Be aware most of it is just chemical extracts of them so don t fall prey to wrong misleading promises. Remember you have all your solution in your kitchen in the form of home remedies.
About the Author: If you wish to know more about home remedies and home remedy for acne,home remedies for acne scars visit
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