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Submitted by: Edward Fitzwirt
Have you ever felt down? Perhaps as if no one wants you, or simply does not care about you, or even targets you as a victim? If this sounds familiar at all, then perhaps there is something out there that can help you. There is something that has helped many people, and that thing is Regression Therapy.
And you’ve tried everything you possibly can, to deal with these problems. But now you have gotten frustrated and angry. You’ve gotten no results and still have them to deal with. Have you ever considered Regression Therapy? Are you curious and wonder if it can help solve your problems. Regression therapy is a tools that can be used to help release the powers of the mind. Releasing all the baggage plaguing your life.
‘Regression Therapy’ means eliminating the dark in order to release the light. A category of hypnotic therapy and the client is helped to return to his past life and experiences while his consciousness remains active. This is known as past life regression.
The recalled experiences might be a person’s current adult life, or it could be somewhere in their childhood. To go even further back, a person might be able to experience the time before they left their mother’s womb.
It is however possible with past life regression therapy to go back further than this prenatal stage, and help the client to remember lives they had in the past.
The conception of having lived previously is difficult for some to grasp. It is difficult for them to understand and accept it as a concept that exists. But overwhelming evidence gives evidence and suggests that this present life is just one of many we’ve experienced.
Some clients for example have reported detailed memories of fighting in a historic war, others speak of hunting in the Stone Age and yet others recall their present spouse from a former life.
By exploring old records, many people actually manage to verify everything that they remembered from the past life regression therapy session.
All around the world you can find heavily documented evidence of children who can still remember their past life. By visiting the places they used to live in their previous life they even get to meet living ‘relatives’ who they know inexplicably everything about.
Knowing what happened in the past can help us understand why we feel the way we do about certain areas of our life. It helps us understand ourselves more completely and our patterns of behavior.
Faulty Thoughts is a term that is used widely in the regression therapy community. These are negative thoughts that a person has carried over from their past life. These thoughts can have an adverse effect on a person’s life, which is never good.
The only person who can release this negative impression is the person who created it. This allows a person to change their patterns into something positive. Some methods used to release this negative pattern is re-patterning, karmic repayment and forgiveness.
Forgiveness is based on the biblical scripture that reads, ‘Do unto others what you want others do unto you.’ Karmic repayment, from the word ‘karma’ (neither good nor bad; it is what our mentality is uttering that we should experience as a result of our previous actions), means correcting one’s negative behavior in order to repay them.
Only after performing these measures to correct things are we able to re-pattern the negative energy fields by transforming them with caring, gentleness, harmony, and tranquility.
Although it could be really tiring at times, Regression Therapy is said to be life changing. Most of the clients testify that going through the procedure resulted into a positive attitude, a renewed outlook in life, and a stronger individuality.
While it sounds very helpful, keep in mind that there will be a lot of work involved. It requires a commitment to change like no other! You will need to alter the way you think about your life, and the way that it will unfold.
Regression therapy is definitely an interesting subject, you really should think seriously about sampling it for yourself, either out of curiosity, actually wanting to discover your previous life, or maybe to assist you in problems of the present.
About the Author: Discover the amazing experience of past life regression from the popular
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