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By Colon Bolden
People like to make sound decisions when it comes to purchasing from a stranger. There’s a certain comfort in knowing that the purchase you’re about to make has already been made by others who have been satisfied with their purchase. To make individuals comfortable before they buy, testimonials are often used. Some of the most powerful ads include believable and complimentary testimonials from actual customers who been there. When you’re faced with a situation or find yourself in an area that’s slightly uncomfortable, you tend to seek out validation from a third party. This validation may come from someone who’s more experienced, more senior, or from someone who you respect. This is why you see celebrities pushing products every day because of being well known to the public. Through association, marketers build trust and confidence in their products or services.
Advertising about anything and everything has become the order of the day. We cannot walk anywhere without bumping into advertisements like posters, announcements, billboards, trailers, flyers, or other advertising channels. Each of them says something to us to make a decision. Fortunately, these days everyone can afford advertising in some or other form of publicity campaign. They have become so cheaper that advertisement endeavors started booming like there is no tomorrow. From advertisement of small business units to announcement of private gatherings are too common these days.
Adding advertising on your business website is, in my opinion, is not a very good thing to do. However, it can provide a source of revenue when money is really needed. There are a number of ad programs you can use like Text Link Ads and of course AdSense, which is Google’s ads for publishers program.
Promoting your business is not an easy job online or offline. Choosing the right channel is one thing, but putting it in the budget is a challenge. There is one promotional device everybody knows and looks at which are banners. The banners are always easy to use, both indoor and outdoor and catch your eyes all the time. A simple comparison makes the banner the biggest version of a poster regardless of size. It captures a bigger audience and markets your message to a wide spectrum of people. Banners are a cost efficient way to increase marketability.
When you are a website owner you will realize that at some point of time you will have to make use of the free classified websites to post ads about your business. You will find that there are numerous places and lot of classified websites that you can choose to post your ads on. It is ideal to post the ads on free classifieds like Craigslist, Backpage and Kijiji based on the category that one wants the listing. When one wants to post under a special category of a website that is recognized to draw good traffic then a small charge has to be made. There are endless ways to market your products and services but the above is just a start.
About the Author: As the Author of this article, Colon Bolden is a dedicated business coach. His passion is working with people around the world helping them to use a
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to create success with the least amount of effort. To learn more about the most powerful way he can help your advertising business move to the next level, visit his site at
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