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Defensive Driving School Review Teen Drivers
RW Wilson
Defensive Driving School is more important than ever before. Don’t believe me?
Consider that drivers in that age bracket account for only 14% of the population. The statistics become even more unreal when you consider that they account for 30% of the total costs for injuries related to auto wrecks. The numbers for teen drivers aged 16-19 is more alarming. In that age group these drivers represent the highest of any risk group. For every mile driven, they are four times as likely to be involved in a crash than older drivers. Our nation of drivers needs a good defensive driving school, now more than ever. If you are a parent, what do you do when your teen driver leaves the house? keys in hand, filled with new found independence, all you can do is pray and hope they return safely. No. This is not the only thing you can do. Like sending your kids to public school, you cannot expect them to receive their entire education. parents must step in and provide tutoring, after school sessions. As a parent you suppost their team involvement. You supporttheir every desire for success. So why not with defensive driving school? You cannot expect overcrowded schools and underpaid teachers to train your student in the difficult and dangerous task of operating a motor vehicle. Kids have no idea the impact of a car crash. It’s not until someone dies that the reality of an accident makes an impression. Supplement their education with your own. Hire a tutor, just like you do with science and math. Send them to defensive driving school and to a race school so they can get out of a spin when the time comes. And believe me, the time will come. My own daughter was involved in three accidents as a teen. Yes, I saw life pass before me , but I finally realized that I had to do something. The schools we hired to teach her failed. Driving instructors are normally kids themselves and they don’t have the knowledge to teach new drivers. After seeking resources online, I discovered how sparce this field is. The education is available online, or even in the classroom, but searching for some teaching behind the wheel was different. I wanted my daughter in a skid. I wanted an instructor sitting beside her, teaching her to control the vehicle in that skid. I wanted the road wet and the car sideways so she would know how to safely come to a stop instead of crashing and maybe killing herself or someone else. These are subjects, and opportunities that are not available in normal driving schools. You have to look and search them out. You have to be vigilent because unlike math and science and unlike softball practice, learning to drive comes with consequences. These are often life changing and always the wrong move will bring pain and misery from poor choices or even poor training. I encourage you to get involved with driving and training . Teach them and hire qualified people to also teach them. Their life could depend on it.
Kids are our most precious resourse. We nurture them, then all of a sudden toss them into the world and expect that a yellow page ad is really a
defensive driving school
. it isn’t. Teach your kids to get behind the wheel. train them to control a car in a spin or even a skid. Teach them to be safe and to pay attention. For this you need a real
defensive driving school
, not another young driver, with three years experience teaching them. Get involved and save a life.
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