Submitted by: Paul Negron
A fun time for all of the family, Halloween doesn t have to be foregone if going on vacation during the end of October. No matter where you vacation, there are some easy decorating tips and Halloween activities for all to participate in that will have you in the Halloween spirit any time! And do not think that you need kids to have fun; these are just as fun for adults too!
The first decorating item that is available anywhere and will not cost a dime are leaves. The fall season brings out the various, reds, oranges, and yellows, which are the perfect colors to scatter around the hotel room, rental house, resort condo, etc . . . They make for great centerpieces with minimal work. Placing candy around is another way to add some splashes of color and Halloween festiveness while on vacation. Not to mention they are also tasty treats for the passerby s!
Carving Jack-o-Lantern s is also a fun activity for everyone to get as creative as they want! Luckily, farmer s markets and pumpkin patches are plentiful this time of year so load the car and head over to have everyone pick their own! Churches tend to put on their own pumpkin patches as fundraisers so look out for them as well!
The easiest way for the young ones to get in on the carving action is for them to plan out a sketch on a piece of paper, trace it onto the pumpkin and then have an adult carve it or supervise them. Don t forget to cut a medium-sized hole around the top stem to protect the candles or lights placed within. A fun snack idea, save the pumpkin seeds and rinse them off. Once dry, lightly salt and spray with oil if desired, and bake them for about 15 minutes at 350 degrees until golden brown and crispy. Then enjoy!
If in an especially creative mood, one-gallon milk cartons can serve as an eccentric version of jack-o-lanterns. Simply take a permanent marker and draw a face or design on the front of the jug, place low-voltage Christmas lights within, and cut a hole in the back of the jug to plug the lights into an outlet. Lights will be extremely easy to find since Christmas decorations are widely available already in October.
Halloween stores and retail party stores will be in abundance no matter where you are vacationing, so stop by one to find all kinds of scary decorations and festive supplies. Even more economical, drug stores, dollar stores, and grocery stores all carry holiday supplies on the cheaper side making them a great place to shop for spooktacular items!
Normal supplies such as crepe paper ribbons can make even the blandest door look cheerful! Orange and black disposable party trays are also easy and cheap tricks to set the mood.
Creating a ghost can be very simple as well! All it takes is a light colored sheet, eyes made from tape and paper, and a small, round, lightweight object to serve as the head (balloon or beach balls would work). Additionally, string or fishing wire tied around the neck of the ghost will allow for it to be hung from almost anywhere!
Once done with all your Halloween decorations, a fun activity for the family to work on together that can also be a life-saver during bad weather is a jigsaw puzzle. Bring along a Halloween-themed puzzle for a lot of fun and bonding time!
With these Halloween ideas in mind, there is no way that you or your family will miss out on the spooky fun!
About the Author: Paul is a writer and contributor for Bluegreen’s Travel Guide website,
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