Davis Morris
Having purchased your quality paint brushes, it is worth learning a little about caring for them to ensure they will serve you well throughout the decorating season. The temptation is always to dispose of your paint brush or paint roller once a job has been completed but with careful cleaning, they really will continue to provide you with that same quality finish time and time again.
Once you have finished your painting project, it is well worth ensuring your paint brushes or paint rollers are cleaned and stored correctly. Before putting your paint brushes back into the cupboard until next time, ensure they are thoroughly cleaned. Brushes that are not cleaned thoroughly just as well be put straight into the bin as when you come to use them again, you will find you will just not get that quality finish you seek.
The best place to start is to actually remember to read the cleaning instructions on your tin of paint before you start painting and ensure you have the right cleaning materials to hand. Leave it until afterwards and you could find yourself having to spend hour or so, wandering down to your local DIY store to pay the recommended cleaning agent, queuing up to pay for it and travelling back home again. By the time you get home, that paint on your brush has started to dry and makes it even more difficult to get it clean.
An excellent tip is to make sure that you don t just place your paint brushes into a jar of the preparatory cleaning agent unsupported. Your bristles will get damaged and as they are the only part of the brush which comes into contact with your walls or ceilings, any damage they sustain, will show up in your painting. At Trade 1st, we offer decorating tools and decorating supplies of the highest standard.
The Article is written by trade1st.co.uk providing
decorating supplies
paint rollers
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